Grand Rohan Jogja

The Luxury of Harmonic Experience

The best syariah hotel in Jogja. Grand Rohan Jogja is located on one of Yogyakarta’s important main roads (in front of J.E.C), thus, provide a very easy access for the visiting guests. It offers a total number of 185 rooms, divided into various room types, including Deluxe Rooms, Deluxe Balcony Rooms, Family Rooms, Executive Rooms, Junior Suite, Honeymoon Suites, Premium Suites, and Grand Rohan Suite.

Our guests tell it best hotel in Jogja

Based on 442 reviews
Harga sesuai pelayanan Plus : Kamar nyaman, Bersih, Hidangan sarapan cukup enak untuk menu tradisionalnya, pegawai hotel ramah semua, Minus : air hangat hanya ada di shower, kran air dingin smua. Kalo mau mandikan balita agak repot. Variasi menu makanan utama kurang banyak. Repeat order : yes
Nyaman Untuk.pelayanan dari pegawainya semuanya ramah dan membantu dengan cepat. Untuk.kamar, bersih sekali, nyaman, disediakan mukena dan alquran. Untuk makanan sarapan enak ada bbrp koreksi untuk bagian pancake, wafle.cenderung bantet, bagian pasta, saat di rebus kembali, krg aldente.. tp nyaman dan menyenangkan menginap disini
Cocok buat stay sama keluarga Hotelnya nyaman banget Affordable price Kids friendly, ada beberapa permainan jadi bikin anak betah staycation disini. Kolam renangnya luas, makanan enak dan banyak menu pilihan Banyak area yg banyak tanamannya jadi sejuk banget Great hospitality 🫶🏻
Ekka M
Best service Hotel yg nyaman buat keluarga. Best service bgt. Makanannya juga enak-enak. Di kamar disediakan alat sholat dan sajadah, amenities lengkap. Top bgttt pokoknya. Kolam renangnya luas. Lokasi juga di pusat kota. Salam yaaaaa buat mbak Nia.
Trims mb Ana Kamarnya oke, Pelayanan Kebersihan dan Kualitas bagus, Makanannya enak lengkap menunya (indomiepun tersedia 🤩), Parkiran luas, Hotel Syariah Keren ada Masjidnya di dalam hotel, buat sholat Jum'atan di hotel ajah, over all semuanya oke, recommended buat stay di Yogyakarta 😍😍😍, bintang ☆☆☆☆
Mayra C
Keren Bangets nih hotel Hotel bersih dan nyaman Fasilitas ibadahnya lengkap yang nggak ditemui di hotel lainnya Koleksi motor n mobil n benda 2 kuno antiknya menambah nuansa tradisional di hotel yang modern Terima kasih mba ana untuk keramahan dan senyumannya Cobain deh nginep disini...pasti bakal pingin nginep lagi😊
酒店很舒适 这个酒店很舒适,连续住了五天,早餐很好吃,NIA很友善,服务周到耐心,房间打扫的服务员很认真。房间宽敞明亮,泳池很好,孩子玩得很开心。
Hotelnya bersih, pelayanannya bagus , pelayan resto an. Nia ramah Kamarnya nyaman, sarapannya enak. Harga terjangkau, lokasi strategi mudah kemana2. Suasana hotel lebih islami, sudah ada sajadah , mukena. Tempat tidur , bantal, televisi , fasilitas wifi bagus. Harga terjangkau ,pelayanan resepsionis ramah
Nyaman dan mengesankan. Layak dikunjungi lagi Selama tiga malam dapat room Balcony dengan view Merapi Merbabu, keren banget..! Plus one slice cake yg dianterin Mbak Septi. Yummy ! Thank with love, Mbak Ida. Breakfast'nya sangat menyenangkan. Thanks Mbak Nia udah ramah selama di Seroja Resto.
Clean & comfort Pengalaman pertama nginep di Grand Rohan. Ruangannya bersih dan nyaman, hospitality yg bagus. Fasilitas lengkap, lokasi di tengah kota & hospitality yang bagus. Tidak ada alasan untuk tidak stay disini saat berkunjung ke jogja.
kharisma panji
Ternyata hotel syariah. Experience nya jadi beda ketika nginep di hotel berbintang, kamar mandinya ada kran yg buat wudhu. Menu breakfast cukup lengkap. Lokasi juga strategis depan JEC. Ada masjidnya juga cukup luas.
Natalia Pelupessy
Such a pleasant to stay here, clean room and helpfull staff. Will definitely love to stay at grand rohan for my next visit to jogja !
Aprilummu FakhriFattanFatirFaqih
hotel yang bagus,bersih dan lumayan lengkap fasilitasnya, pelayanan ok,sepertinya gak ada complaint dech disini buat saya sobfar so goodlah ya,ada spot foto banyak disini baik ditaman belakang,kolam renang luas dan friendly utk anak2,saya dapat view swimming pool krna saya request,terus tingkatkan dan pertahankan ya grand Rohan
Joan Jutamulia
Overall, kamar bersih, bagus, ranjang enak, bantal enak.. kamar mandi agak kuno sih ya.. service oke banget.. but.. the view... keren banget.. nginep di lantai 6..
Azka Izaturahman
Yang lagi training, wanita bernamakan Revi sangat bagus pelayanan nya, ramah sopan
sefia marlindasari
Kamarnya luas lengkap dengan alat sholat, olokasinya strategis, menu sarapan sangat beragam, ada playground yg bikin anak betah, kolam renang juga luas. Cocok banget buat liburan sama keluarga

The Best Syariah Hotel in Jogja

Grand Rohan Jogja is the most suitable locations to stay when on vacation to Yogyakarta Province are Yogyakarta, Sleman and Gunung Kidul. Grand Rohan Jogja located on the main road. There are so many interesting authentic Yogyakarta spots that await to be explored.

We offers a warm syariah hospitality along with Muslim-friendly accommodation. You will get prayer set including Al-Qur’an in each room for the convenient stay. Azan is also heard in every corner of the hotel as a call to prayer. Furthermore, Mosque Al-Mi’raj is available in the lobby level. This praying facility is brought to you as our commitment to present sharia basis in the hospitality industry.

If you want to vacation in Yogyakarta, there are many tourist area that is rich in culture, Yogyakarta offers a variety of interesting activities that you can try. Starting from cultural tours, shopping, to culinary delights are guaranteed to make your vacation even more enjoyable.

So, Grand Rohan Jogja will give you satisfied exploring various tourist objects in the city of Yogyakarta and tasting its delicious culinary delights, of course you will need a few days. For those of you who are looking for hotels and inns in Yogyakarta, there are many accommodation options that can make your vacation even more comfortable. Choose your the best rooms, meetings services, satisfied dining services, wedding service, and get many offers from the best hotel in Jogja.

Yogyakarta at a glance

Grand Rohan Jogja is a hotel in Jogja or Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is the center of the government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The fourth largest city in Java Island is the residence of Sultan Hamengkubuwono and Adipati Paku Alam. Yogyakarta has been a region that still maintains a sultanate-shaped governance in its regional government. In the pre-independence era, Yogyakarta was a self-governing area with the title of the Ngayogyakarta Sultanate and the Pakualaman Kadipaten. However, after independence, these two governments joined the territory of the Republic of Indonesia by means of a special law that governs regional governance. One example, the governor is not elected through general elections like other regions. Sultan Hamengkubuwono was appointed as the Governor of Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta is the capital of the Yogyakarta Sultanate and served as the Indonesian capital from 1946 to 1948 during the Indonesian National Revolution, with Gedung Agung as the president’s office. One of the districts in southeastern Yogyakarta, Kotagede, was the capital of the Mataram Sultanate between 1587 and 1613.

The city’s population was 422,732 inhabitants at the 2017 census. Its built-up area was home to 4,010,436 inhabitants, which includes the city of Magelang and 65 districts across Sleman, Klaten, Bantul, Kulon Progo and Magelang Regency. At 0.837, Yogyakarta has one of the highest HDI (Human Development Index) within Indonesia, with which it is considered a “developed” city. To rapidly jumpstart the economy, plan for 2nd phase Indonesia high speed train via Southbound is currently being developed from Bandung to Yogyakarta & Solo initiating construction by 2020, which projected to be completed by 2024. Learn more about Joga/ Yogyakarta.

How to get to Grand Rohan Jogja, hotel in Jogja?

You can try different ways to get to Yogyakarta and hotel in Jogja,  Grand Rohan Jogja. Because there are many ways that you can choose to get to the city of Yogyakarta. The easiest and fastest way that you can use is by plane, bus or train. If you depart from Jakarta, Sumatera, Kalimantan Bali, or others, plane can be the best way for those of you who depart from abroad or outside Java Island. If you take a plane, you will arrive at the main airport in this city, namely Adisutjipto International Airport. From the airport, you can ask hotels in Jogja – Grand Rohan Jogja to pick you up at the airport by vehicle. Or you can also use taxis, Gojek or Grab services.

If you depart from Jakarta, or others place in Java Island the train will make your travel safe. The travel time from Jakarta it takes to get to Tugu Station in Yogyakarta is around 7-12 hours. You can use the Argo Lawu and Argo Dwipangga trains which are the best and fastest trains compared to other trains.

There are many service options from all major cities in Java, including Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya. You can get tickets easily online.

The Best Place in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta Palace

The best attraction Hotel in Jogja, Keraton Yogjakarta (The Royal Palace)
Keraton Yogjakarta (The Royal Palace)

The first location that must be visited in Yogyakarta is the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace which is the official palace of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate. Until now, the palace building complex still functions as a residence for the sultan and still carries out the sultanate tradition. Part of the complex is designated as a museum that houses various collections belonging to the sultans of the Yogyakarta Palace.


Destinatin hotel in Jogja is Tamansari Yogjakarta
Destinatin hotel in Jogja is Tamansari Yogjakarta

From Yogyakarta Palace, you can visit Tamansari. In Javanese, Tamansari means a beautiful garden. In the past, Tamansari was used as a recreation area by the Sultan, his family, and all relatives of the palace. This Tamansari bathing complex is a legacy from Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Taman Sari consisted of four distinct areas: a large artificial lake with islands and pavilions located in the west, a bathing complex in the centre, a complex of pavilions and pools in the south, and a smaller lake in the east. Today only the central bathing complex is well preserved, while the other areas have been largely occupied by the Kampung Taman settlement.

Jalan Malioboro

Jalan Malioboro Jogja
Jalan Malioboro Jogja

Jalan Malioboro can be heaven for you if you want to shopping. Along Malioboro street you will find various shopping centers and souvenirs. Not only that, there are also many culinary attractions that you can try. The street is the centre of Yogyakarta’s largest tourist district surrounded with many hotels, restaurants, and shops nearby. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several open-air street side restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street.

Ratu Boko Temple

The temple complex covering an area of almost 25 hectares is located on a high hill in the village of Bokoharjo. The entrance gate is also very iconic, you know. You will also be treated to a beautiful and wide expanse of grass, paseban, caves, former pendopo, to a princess with a very unique pool.

Tugu Jogja

This distinctive icon from Yogyakarta has its own meaning and philosophy. The location is on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and Margo Utama, precisely at a crossroads which is a symbol of the city of Yogyakarta.

South town square

It’s incomplete, if you haven’t visited the Kidul square at night. You can enjoy a warm atmosphere and enjoy culinary along the way. The typical tourist objects of the Kidul square are the two large banyan trees in the middle of the South square.

Ullen Sentalu Museum

The museum, which was inaugurated in 1997, is located at the foot of Mount Merapi Kaliurang, precisely in the Kaswargan Park forest area. In this museum, you can see stories about the four palaces in Solo and Yogyakarta in the past. This museum often wins awards as the favorite museum of choice by tourists, you know.